Advanced Digital Marketing for Tourism Businesses: Live Session with TrainingAid!

Xola Team
Xola Team
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Advanced Digital Marketing for Tourism Businesses: Live Session with TrainingAid!

Forget about a silver bullet, think marketing strategy

These days, your customers demand complex, individualized, and relevant marketing. To achieve that, you don’t need a silver bullet (news flash: it doesn’t exist)–you need strategy.

Xola University has joined forces with the amazing folks at TrainingAid to bring you a live session on Monday, February 29th at 9am PST. In the first half hour, I’ll be giving a presentation on strategic marketing and then we’ll open it up to live discussion and Q&A. You’ll learn how to plan marketing initiatives based on strategic business goals and measure your ROI through qualitative and quantitative data. I know that marketing can often feel more like whack-a-mole than master planning, but once you’ve mastered the fundamentals of strategic marketing, that frenzy will give way to real success. By the end of this live session, my goal is to help you market your tour with greater ease and efficacy.

In a nutshell, here’s what I hope to deliver. You’ll be able to:

  • Confidently plan your marketing strategy and execute initiatives.
  • Comfortably navigate key reports in Google Analytics.
  • Evaluate your ROI from quantitative and qualitative data.

I hope you’ll join us!


About TrainingAid

You may recognize TrainingAid from this guest post on SEO tips for tour operators, and from their online courses for tourism professionals. From marketing to sustainability, TrainingAid has helped tour operators around the world develop important business skills. Learn more here.


Is this live session right for me?

Tour operators will get the most out of this live session if you already have a familiarity with digital marketing practices and have used Google Analytics before.

Will I learn about the best marketing tactic for my tour business?

Yes and no. The point of this presentation is to empower you with the strategic tools you need to identify which practices will most impact your business based on your customers, your activity, your market, etc. As the title states, there is no silver bullet to marketing.

What if I can’t make it to the live session?

There will be a replay of the presentation and Q&A for anyone that isn’t available on Monday, February 29th at 9am PST. Stay tuned!





Writer Xola Team

Xola Team

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