The Ultimate Escape Room Marketing Guide [EBOOK]

Xola Team
Xola Team
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The Ultimate Escape Room Marketing Guide [EBOOK]

39 Professional Tips to Sell More Games

The escape room industry had a meteoric rise.
It sprung up from 0 to 2,800 rooms in just 5 years, and the number of rooms is still growing fast. In the early days, it was easy to make a profit. There were almost no competitors, and few people operated more than one room. Two escape rooms could sit next door to each other and share

But times have changed.

As the market continues to grow, businesses are growing and getting more sophisticated. Franchises are challenging mom-and-pop shops. Almost 3/4ths of all escape rooms operate 2+ rooms in their facilities. Word-of-mouth marketing alone won’t cut it in this world. To survive in the long run, you need to adopt intelligent selling strategies that will keep your doors open for years to come. That’s why we came up with an ebook just for escape rooms. It’s chock-full of tips ranging from tried-and-true marketing practices to out-of-the-box ideas that could set you apart from the rest.

Here’s a preview of what’s inside!


We know that every business is different (even if you all run escape rooms). Some of these tips might work really well for your company and your customers, while others don’t appeal. Pick and choose the tactics that work best for you!



Writer Xola Team

Xola Team

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