Most Zip Line Businesses Fail at Google+ [INFOGRAPHIC]

Xola Team
Xola Team
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Most Zip Line Businesses Fail at Google+ [INFOGRAPHIC]

Google+ Marketing Data

As far as marketing your tour business goes, social media doesn’t always rank highly on your list of priorities. But here’s the thing: Google+ isn’t your typical social media marketing platform. It’s far more important than that for businesses.

Having a Google+ business profile helps your SEO and influences your customers’ first impressions of your company even before they see your website. Not only that, but it’s relatively easy to set up a Google+ business profile.

With all this in mind, zip line operators, it’s time to step up your Google+ game. Out of a sample of 44 top zip line and adventure parks on TripAdvisor, here’s how you all fare on Google+:


How to improve your Google+ profile

As you can see, these are not flattering figures. But don’t get discouraged, zip lines are by no means set up to fail on Google+. Here’s another article you should read that details the breakaway success of one zip line operator.

A new frontier

Imagine what you would give now to have been one of the first businesses on TripAdvisor 15 years ago. You can do that still with Google+ today.

The fact that zip lines are not alone in their general misuse of Google+ presents a valuable silver lining. Because most businesses haven’t sunk their teeth very far into Google+, it’s still a wide open landscape where you can easily move to the top.

So, what are you waiting for?!


Writer Xola Team

Xola Team

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