New Data: How Groupon Buyers Rate Zip Tours on TripAdvisor

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New Data: How Groupon Buyers Rate Zip Tours on TripAdvisor

What you didn’t know about Groupon buyers

With spring in full swing, many tour operators find themselves face-to-face with what many consider to be a necessary evil: Groupon. Using discount sites like Groupon in your shoulder season is a common practice for those gearing up for high season. But even among those who use Groupon, hardly anyone seems to like it.


Money is one key reason. It can be difficult to remain financially afloat for very long while you’re paying Groupon its commissions and discounting your tours by as much as 50%. That’s a complex discussion, however, that varies largely from company to company.

The one thing that many tour operators have in common, however, when it comes to Groupon, is the fear that it might hurt their business’s reputation.

But in the next two and a half minutes, I’m going to change your mind about Groupon customers and hopefully help you make smarter, data-driven decisions that could make your tour company some extra cash this spring.

3-Minute Marketing: Groupon Myths Debunked

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If you’d like to share the Infographics seen in the video, I’m including them here as well for your convenience:

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