How to find your reviews on Tripadvisor

Carla Vianna
Carla Vianna
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How to find your reviews on Tripadvisor

Did you know that your company may already be listed on Tripadvisor, even if you didn’t list it yourself?

If your company has an existing listing on Tripadvisor, then it’s a good idea to claim it. When you claim the company as your own, you’ll able to respond to your guest reviews.

Tripadvisor is the leading review platform for tours and attractions — meaning your customers are likely checking the website before deciding to book with you.

Online reviews can easily persuade guests to make their final bookings, so it’s important to grow your review base over time. Even bad reviews can sometimes benefit a company if you respond to them on time. In fact, Tripadvisor found that 87% of travelers feel that a thoughtful response to a bad review improves their impression of the property

It’s time to start tracking — and answering — your reviews on Tripadvisor. If you’ve ever wondered how to find your reviews on Tripadvisor, we’ll walk you through the process in this post.

How much does a Tripadvisor business listing cost? 

There are no fees associated with listing your business on TripAdvisor. In fact, any business can create a listing free of charge. Your business page will include all of your company information, including hours of operation, location, contact numbers, and more.

Guests can leave you a review and you can respond to them free of charge, too.

You can also list your tours and experiences on Tripadvisor’s booking partner, Viator, though you’ll be charged a commission fee for every tour booked through the platform.

How to find my reviews on Tripadvisor

Even if you’ve never created a Tripadvisor page for your business, there’s a good chance that your company has one there.

This is because Tripadvisor automatically creates a listing for your business if one of your customers leaves you a review.

Let’s say Amanda had a wonderful time with Pedego, a wine tasting and biking tour in Northern California. She had such a great time that she wants to leave the company a 5-star review on Tripadvisor.

When she searches for Pedego on the platform, she doesn’t find it. So she leaves a review anyway, and Tripadvisor creates the listing with the information provided by the reviewer.

To find your existing reviews, search for your company name on this link:

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If your business name shows up, click on it. Then, you can start the process of claiming your free listing. Once you’ve been registered as the owner of your company, you’ll be able to manage all of the reviews that come in.

Trip advisor webpage

You can also quickly search for your reviews on the Tripadvisor website just as any traveler would. 

Go to and type your business name into the search bar. If it pops up, click on your page. There, you’ll be able to see every review — including photos — that guests have left for your business.

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How to respond to a Tripadvisor review

Whether it’s a positive or negative review, responding shows the customer that you value their opinion. If your customers see that you take the time to answer their feedback, they (and others who see it) will be more inclined to leave you future reviews.

Tripadvisor makes it easy to manage and respond to reviews once you’ve claimed your business. You’ll have access to a dashboard like the one shown below, where you’ll find an option to “Respond to Reviews.”

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Here, you’ll be able to see all the reviews guests have left you. You can filter by dates, title, rating, language, and response status. Click the review you want to respond to and enter your response in the box provided. Your response will soon be published.

Management response trip advisor

If you don’t have any reviews yet, then you’ll have to return to this page when you do. The best way to get high-quality reviews is to ask your guests to leave one before you say goodbye.

You can also sign up for review alerts to better track new reviews.

Best practices for responding to positive and negative reviews

Tripadvisor found that businesses that responded to their reviews had a higher overall rating and drove more bookings through the platform. Responding to both positive and negative reviews shows your customers that you care about what they have to say.

When customers feel that their opinions matter, they’ll want to continue sharing their feedback with you. They’ll also start building a stronger connection with your brand, especially if your reviews show them that there’s a face behind the brand.

Currently, it is not possible to edit your response to a review. The following tips will help you become an expert in responding to reviews so that you’ll never have to worry about editing them.

In addition to the following tips for responding to guest reviews, make sure to also follow Tripadvisor’s response guidelines.

Responding to positive Tripadvisor reviews

  • Thank them for taking the time to leave you a glowing review: Most customers forget or don’t bother with leaving a company a review unless it was a terrible experience. The guests that make it a point to tell you and other Tripadvisor users about how great their experience was are the ones you want to keep around. Make sure to thank them for their review so that they feel noticed and appreciated.
  • Personalize your response: Instead of sending an automated response to every positive review, leaving a personalized response comes off as a grander gesture. Mention the reviewer by name and reiterate the positive highlights they spoke about in their review.
  • Be concise: Try not to overwhelm your reader with too much information. You can probably say everything you need to say in just 1-3 sentences.
  • Mention company news relevant to their review: If the guest spoke about a specific feature of your tour or attraction, share any relevant news about that tour or experience, such as upcoming events or special discounts,

Responding to negative Tripadvisor reviews

  • Respond as soon as possible: This will show your guest — and others that see the negative review — that you take your customer service seriously. A quick reply will show guests that you’re on your A-game and are putting in the effort to make your customers happy.
  • Take responsibility for your mistakes and offer a viable solution: When the customer sees that you’re willing to own up to an issue, they’ll be more willing to hear what you have to say. When you approach them with a solution in mind, they’ll be even more impressed with your proactivity to solve the problem.
  • Avoid answering defensively: Responding rudely or sarcastically will only irritate the customer even more. You’ll have a much smaller chance of recovering their business than if you reply in a cool and professional manner. It can help to walk away from the review for a couple of hours, take a deep breath before answering, and ask a coworker to read over your response before publishing. 
  • Finally, don’t take it personally: The customer isn’t trying to offend you personally. Don’t wave it off in a fit of disappointment. If something went wrong with their experience, it’s in your best interest to fully understand what happened.


Businesses can take away a lot from online reviews. While the positive feedback can assure you of what you’re doing right, the negative comments can shine a light on what still needs to be improved.

If you have ever asked yourself where to find your Tripadvisor reviews, you now have a guide to help you locate them.

The sooner you claim your business on Tripadvisor, the sooner you’ll join the conversation your guests are already having.


Writer Carla Vianna

Carla Vianna

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